Product launches

A great product launch should leave people buzzing with excitement and anticipation. A powerful moment for any company looking to forward their brand, a product launch is one of the few times where employees, investors, members of the press, and even competitors come together in one place.

A launch doesn’t require a big stunt or lavish party to be engaging. Here are three ways to challenge tradition:

  • Use augmented or virtual reality: Help people experience the new product with AR or VR, like commercial van manufacturer FCA. FCA used augmented reality to show off a new line of vans and all the different color schemes with only one van physically present. It was an efficient use of space — and budget.
  • Offer unusual food choices: At the launch of its Christmas themes for 2017, Speechbubble set up a nitrogen ice cream bar which offered attendees unusual flavors like popcorn or Jack Daniels and vanilla. Each attendee had the novelty factor of exhalable “dragon’s breath” nitrogen smoke.
  • Pick a theme: Your theme sets the tone for your whole event, driving all of your planning decisions and helping to engage attendees. Choose a theme for your launch to brainstorm relevant experiences or activations your attendees will love.

About the Rapid Relief Team

We’re humbled to be a Smarrt Supporter of the Rapid Relief Team Australia. RRT delivers hope and relief to people across the globe. Whether it be fire, flood or humanitarian need, RRT expands their support services to meet the crisis at hand. RRT offers quality catering assistance and tangible support to charities, government and emergency services confronting some of humankind’s greatest challenges. RRT’s army of volunteers operate from the heart across the globe, and lend a helping hand to people in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, North and South America, the Caribbean, Canada and across Europe. Visit to learn more about the Rapid Relief Team.