Desktop Promotional Products is a leader in the promotional merchandise market, providing solutions for many and varied brands and corporations. We operate predominantly within Australia and our supply chain covers many countries globally.

Desktop Promotional Products’ acknowledges its responsibility under the Modern Slavery Act 2018 and are committed to the prevention of slavery in all of our activities, including inside our supply chain.
This statement sets out Desktop Promotional Products’ actions against all modern slavery risks in relation to its business practices. Desktops aim is to prevent slavery in its business and supply chains.
This document is pursuant to the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) by Desktop Promotional Products Unit Trust ABN 42 166 482 985

  1. The identity of the reporting entity;
    This statement is made by Desktop Promotional Products Pty Ltd as Trustee for Desktop Promotional Products Unit Trust ABN 42 166 482 985 (Desktop Promotional Products)
  2. The structure, operations and supply chains of the reporting entity;Desktop Promotional Products is a unit trust supplying a broad range of promotional merchandise and clothing to organisations across Australia. Our operations are based in North Parramatta where we warehouse our clients products and also co-ordinate production of branded merchandise items through our supply chain for our clients. Our production includes the sourcing of both raw materials and finished products and branding them with clients designs using a variety of decoration methods. Our supply chain for these is both locally in Australia and around the globe
  3. The risks of modern slavery practices in the operations and supply chains of the reporting entity, and any entities that the reporting entity owns or controls;Whilst our direct supply is primarily with Australian providers many of these suppliers source from around the globe including regions considered at higher risk of modern day slavery. We also deal direct with many countries around the globe including some in these higher risk regions. We regularly assess risks of modern slavery in our business by identifying, auditing, and managing all areas of risk. Due to the diversity of our merchandise solutions and complexity of the products we sell including multiple components from secondary suppliers, we acknowledge that we could be indirectly exposed to higher risks of slavery throughout our supply chain so we are constantly challenging our suppliers to minimise the risk and highlight our concern regarding it.
  4. The actions taken by the reporting entity and any entity that the reporting entity owns or controls, to assess and address those risks;Desktop Promotional Products has an Ethical Sourcing Policy - this policy defines the basic standards of ethics that must be followed by all suppliers, including subcontractors employed by suppliers while manufacturing for Desktop Promotional Products.
    Desktop Promotional Products requires its suppliers to:
    Commit to the basic ethical standards laid out in this policy concerning employment practices and conformity with environmental expectations
    Demonstrate commitment to policy through the implementation of monitoring systems to assess compliance with ethical procurement, with an emphasis placed on continuous improvement.
    Fully comply with any independent audit process carried out by or on behalf of Desktop Promotional Products and ensure that corrective action is taken as a priority to rectify any breach of this Policy.
    Desktop Promotional Products acknowledges that a few suppliers may not be completely compliant with ethical standards and is dedicated to working with suppliers to successfully implement continuous improvement schemes and achieve compliance going forward.
    Desktop Promotional Products reserves the right to cease business with suppliers that do not meet these minimum ethical standards. In particular, Desktop Promotional Products regards the exploitation of children as unacceptable and has a zero-tolerance policy for slavery or anything concerning the use of child labour.
    Desktop Promotional Products expects its suppliers to extend principles of fair and honest dealing to all others with whom they do business, including employees, subcontractors, and suppliers. Desktop Promotional Products will only do business with suppliers who have certified to us through auditing and assessment that their business practices are lawful, ethical and in compliance with our principles and expectations set forth in this policy and as dictated by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and ensure their own supply chain conform to these standards.
  5. How the reporting entity assesses the effectiveness of such actions;esktop Promotional Products undertakes due diligence when considering taking on new suppliers and review our existing suppliers on a periodic basis. Our due diligence and reviews include:
    Regular review and evaluation of our existing supply chain and careful consideration, auditing and assessment when taking on new suppliers is part of our normal procedure.
    If there is risk brought to our attention Desktop Promotional Products will audit and get an assessment of this supplier. Sanctions will be placed upon any part of the supply chain that is found to breach our strict requirements which may include complete termination of all trade agreements.
    Our standard is to continuously improve and update our actions against modern slavery.
  6. The process of consultation with any entities the reporting entity owns or controls or is issuing a joint modern slavery statement withDesktop Promotional Products does not own or control any other trading entities and is issuing this statement in its own right
  7. Any other information that the reporting entity, or the entity giving the statement, considers relevant.Desktop Promotional Products trains its staff via the circulation of relevant information relating to slavery risks and issues.
    Desktop Promotional Products ensures that we make it easy for employees to make disclosures, without fear of retaliation.

Our Investment Towards the Prevention of SlaveryThis statement will be reviewed and updated as needed and as per new information being made available and new regulations are put in place. Desktop Promotional Products ensures an investment in the prevention of slavery


About the Rapid Relief Team

We’re humbled to be a Smarrt Supporter of the Rapid Relief Team Australia. RRT delivers hope and relief to people across the globe. Whether it be fire, flood or humanitarian need, RRT expands their support services to meet the crisis at hand. RRT offers quality catering assistance and tangible support to charities, government and emergency services confronting some of humankind’s greatest challenges. RRT’s army of volunteers operate from the heart across the globe, and lend a helping hand to people in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, North and South America, the Caribbean, Canada and across Europe. Visit www.rrtglobal.org to learn more about the Rapid Relief Team.